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Other Certifications


Check back here to find checklist updates showing the Olson Lake House's progress toward achieving Minnesota GreenStar, Energy Star, and Zero Energy Ready Home certifications.


Minnesota GreenStar

Based on the project size and number of bedrooms, the point totals needed to reach the various Minnesota GreenStar certification levels are:

     300  -  Bronze

     466  -  Silver

     668  -  Gold


Please use the scroll bar to the right of the table to view the rest of the checklist.


Energy Star

The Energy Star certification program for New Homes is a project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to identify homes that use up to 30% less energy than the average new home. We will post the final results of our assessment here when available.


Zero Energy Ready Home

The Zero Energy Ready Home certification program is a project of the U.S. Department of Energy to recognize homes that are "so energy efficient, that a renewable energy system can offset all or most of [their] annual energy consumption." We expect to qualify, becaues we are building a super energy efficient home with a rooftop solar photovoltaic system designed to provide much of the home's energy. We will post the final results of our assessment here when available.


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