We have footings!

After staring for weeks at dirt and the hole where the old house used to be... We have footings! That means you can now see the shape of the house outlined at the site. The foundation walls will rest on the footings. They were poured today, when our maximum temperature reached a balmy 23 degrees Fahrenheit. I was told it would happen tomorrow, but I decided to stop at the site first when I went on errands this afternoon. When I arrived there were two cement trucks and half a dozen workers. They had already poured and covered the house footings and the two giant footings for the deck posts. I was there in time to see them do the garage footings.
In the picture above you can see the rebar that will tie the footing to the ICF wall. You can also see a little bit of blue insulation peeking out from under the footing where it turns the corner. As I introduced in my last post, the cement used in these footings contains 30% coal fly ash, earning us 0.5 LEED points.