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Honed concrete floors and more updates

close-up of honed concrete floor

When our house gets built, the welcome mat will always be there for visiting family and friends

...which is almost a shame because it will cover up part of our beautiful floors! The honed concrete floor in the basement is almost finished. The walls are framed in the basement. The heating/cooling vents are partially installed. We don't know when the heat pump, heat recovery ventilator and air handling equipment will go in. The plumbing goes is next and then the electrical and (possible) alarm system. They may pour the concrete patio this week. The curving stairs to the basement are now in with temporary steps so you don't have to use a ladder to go from the first floor to the basement. The possible move-in date keeps getting pushed further and further into the future. August 15th? Maybe.

Annika was in town last week, so Annika, Kacia, Willy, Mary Florence, and I trooped out to the site and gave the grand tour. The photo shown here is courtesy of Annika's phone.

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